please guys comme back 2 montreal me n my friend missed the concert cuz i whase on bvacation/b and she wouldint go without me?WE WHER CRYING SOOOOOO HARD PLEASE I HOPE ITS NOT UR LAST CONCERT OF THE NEW ALBUM!!!! WHER A HUGE FAN! ...
Je trouve que ?§a para??t beaucoup que les gars de Simple Plan ont ??bvolu?/b?s, tout en restant terre-? -terre comme on les conna??t ici ? Montr??al. Bref, tout ?§a pour dire que le vid??oclip est vraiment un de mes pr??f??r??s et cela met la barre b....../b american airlines bvacation/b Says: April 19th, 2008 at 7:27 pm. Very good site. Thank you!!! http://american-airlines-bvacation/ american airlines bvacation/b. judge judy Says: April 19th, 2008 at 9:13 pm b.../b